
A gal managing health, relationships, and beauty.

7 tips to drop weight

1. Drink 120 oz. of Water a day-This helps me because it keeps me full. It keeps me from thinking that I am hungry when I am actually thirsty. Have a glass of water before and after each of you meals and before and after  workout.


2. Have protein with each meal-For lunch do not have just the salad because you think you will lose more weight. Less calories does not mean more weight loss. You news adequate amount of calories to keep your metabolism revved up. Add some chicken to that salad! 


3. No soda!- Trust me I know that soda tastes good with that bbq or whatever else but cut it out. It is not good for you not even the diet soda. If you can’t cut it out completely at least limit it to once a week. You can do it. There are some really cool ways to make your water fun and tasty.0682c6a292018f340dc303421007f216

4. Get active at least thirty minutes a day. Find an exercise you enjoy. You are more likely to stick with it. Go walking with your dog, take a rumba class, or even go swimming. It is summer!


5. Download a Calorie counter App- This is great because you can record everything you have ate in a day and also your exercise. It keeps you more accountable to your goals.


6. Don’t eat out of a box.- Going Paleo is actually a great plan. You eat meat, veggies, and fruits. It is also called the barbarian diet. It means that there are no additives and it is an all natural food that is never altered. I remember doing this for a whole month and followed the plan exactly and I lost 12 pounds. It was great. Plus I was eating a good amount of food


7. Get a buddy!- Having someone on this journey with you makes you so much more successful. You have someone you knows what you are going through and is also there cheering you on



XoXo Holly

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